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Peter Huebner – Harmonic Information as Medication for Education
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“The aspect of natural thinking and feeling must find its way into modern education just as much as the computer.”

Peter Huebner
In my opinion, an increase in achieve­ment in the direction of a modern academic form of education aided by scientific and technical devices alone, will not be sufficient to rid the world of all of these negative phenomena – any more than the owner of a pistol is automatically a better person than the owner of a knife.
The aspect of natural universal thinking and feeling must find its way into modern education just as much as the computer.

For this reason, in the Micro Music Laboratories® we use, for education, a special music as a harmonical data carrier. Music is indeed able to address our feelings, our intellect, and also our thinking in one and, in doing so, access that area of life which Socrates described as the soul and whose harmonical training was his greatest societal concern. The same basic rules apply, in this respect, to setting up the educational material and educational preparations as to the compilation of the medical preparations.
It will, then, also be medical professionals, who make this important area of our human educational capabilities measurable and, in doing so, make it open to the field of objective science.

Modern medicine is, anyway, nearer to that measurable area of our human educational capabilities than conventional education is, for conventional education does not concern itself with measurement at all – certainly not in a scientific, objective, verifiable sense, but perhaps, at most, in the style of the new-age movement or the world of the esoteric.
The relationship of conventional education to that modern universal educational method I have mentioned is perhaps best compared to the relationship of naturopathy to modern scientific medicine.

Music & Nature: Do you not anticipate having great difficulties with conventional edu­ca­tion­al­ists – in fact whole states who have the monopoly on conventional education could oppose you here?

Peter Huebner: At first, our considerations will have no effect on conventional edu­ca­tion­al­ists - just as little as spiritual healers and wart charmers were initially affected by modern medicine. For one, they are on the side of the monopoly and, for another, most of them will probably be receiving their pensions before this pronounced change in values has succeeded in overturning the education establishment. And as far as those states which have the monopoly on education are concerned, they will not be able to avoid entering the educational Olympic arena with the international educational market. For, in many places, the education of the future which I have been talking about has already started up and, today, it is already having an influence on the international economic market - and tomorrow it will be even greater. The citizens of a state which thinks it can simply ignore these developments, must prepare themselves for a life of modest standards, similar to those we see in the third world today. Modern industrial society is far too greedy for material wealth, to embark on this third-world experiment and to simply ignore these progressive developments in the field of education which are beginning to emerge, and which are linked with great economic effects.

“The citizens of a state
which thinks it can simply
ignore these developments,
must prepare themselves
for a life of modest standards, similar to those we see in the third world today.”

Peter Huebner
But it would certainly be quite interesting to see just what would happen in a country – currently an industrial nation also up there at the world’s economic peak – if it thought it could ignore these modern fundamental developments.

Music & Nature: How do you now imagine practical collaboration between yourself and conventional edu­ca­tion­al­ists?

Peter Huebner: Only a few years ago I did not see any reason for such collaboration, because there is absolutely no scientifically relevant connection between these types of education.

The contents of the educational curricula taught in universities and schools today do not improve the intellectual capacity of the pupil or student and, in the long run, one will barely be able to comprehensibly explain to a person capable of thought, why he should learn, by rote, the contents of educational curricula which he can call up on the computer.

Music & Nature: But pupils must at least learn to read and write in order to use a computer?!

Peter Huebner: I am not so sure, since modern computers with the appropriate modern programs rely more and more on symbols and, as such, increasingly do without our conventional understanding of script. And nowadays, as far as his computer language is concerned, the conventional educational expert is already a real illiterate in the eyes of the computer expert.

I think that here, too, the conventional educational experts are still in for some big surprises.

Our conventional script is not the last word in wisdom – otherwise the Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, and the people of many other great cultures would have adopted it long ago.

But the development in computers also clearly shows that pictorial characters have a better future than our conventional script, for they possess an integrating quality which is completely unheard of in the conventional script of our European nations.
Our conventional script, e.g., is to pictorial or symbolic language, what one-times-one is to integral calculus. And here, too, further development of the computer’s software will determine the further development and, with it, the future of the script.

But we are already familiar with such developments from mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Their symbols cannot be understood by ‘normal mortals’.